Kin Sze is a registered massage therapist RMT and a fascial stretch therapist.

Kin provides fascial stretching, deep tissue massage, trigger point therapy, and relaxation massage. He is also able to provide decompression cupping therapy. During each treatment, Kin aims to eliminate clients’ pain and to facilitate quality of life, QOL improvement.

He has experience in treating issues of tension or tightness related to the back, neck, and shoulders. He has also helped clients with overuse injuries i.e., (tennis elbow, golfers’ elbow, frozen shoulders, piriformis syndrome), tension headaches, relieve sciatica/herniated disk symptoms.

As a former engineer, and currently a kung fu coach and a personal trainer, he has the problem-solving skills to help you identify causes of the pain, and also a keen eye for posture and movement gait issues.